Gita 13.11
अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वम्, तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम्,
एतत्, ज्ञानम्, इति, प्रोक्तम्, अज्ञानम्, यत्, अतः, अन्यथा।।11।।
Adhyaatmgyaannityatvam’, tattavgyaanaarthdarshnam’,
Etat’, gyaanm’, iti, proktam’, agyaanm’, yat’, atH, anyatha ||11||
Translation: (Adhyaatmgyaannityatvam’) constant state in spiritual knowledge and (tattavgyaanaarthdarshnam’) to see with a view of tatvgyan /true knowledge (etat’) all this (gyaanm’) is knowledge and (yat’) whatever (atH) to this (anyatha) is opposed (agyaanm’) is ignorance (iti) thus (proktam’) has been said. (11)
Translation: Constant state in the spiritual knowledge and to see with a view of tatvgyan (true knowledge) – it has been said that all this is knowledge and whatever is opposed to this is ignorance.
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