Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 19

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 19

Gita 12.19

तुल्यनिन्दास्तुतिः, मौनी, सन्तुष्टः, येन, केनचित्,
अनिकेतः, स्थिरमतिः, भक्तिमान्, मे, प्रियः, नरः।।19।।

Gita 12.19

TulyanindaastutiH, mauni, santushtH, yen, kenchit’,
AniketH, sthirmatiH, bhaktimaan’, me, priyaH, narH ||19||

Translation: (TulyanindaastutiH) who considers criticism and praise to be same (mauni) remains silent and (yen, kenchit’) with whatever (santushtH) is contented and (aniketH) free from affection and attachment (sthirmatiH) with steadfast mind (bhaktimaan’) devoted (narH) man (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (19)

Translation: He, who considers criticism and praise to be same, remains silent and is contented with whatever comes to him, free from affection and attachment, that devoted person with steadfast mind is dear to me.

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