Gita 11.6
पश्य, आदित्यान्, वसून्, रुद्रान्, अश्विनौ, मरुतः, तथा,
बहूनि, अदृष्टपूर्वाणि, पश्य, आश्चर्याणि, भारत।।6।।
Pashya, aadityaan’, vasoon’, rudraan’, ashvinau, marutH, tatha,
Bahooni, adrshtpoorvaani, pashya, aashcharyaani, bharat ||6||
Translation: (Bharat) O Bharatvanshi Arjun! in me (aadityaan’) the Adityas i.e. the twelve sons of Aditi (vasoon’) the eight Vasus (rudraan’) the eleven Rudras (ashvinau) the two Ashvini Kumars and (marutH) the forty-nine Marudrnas (pashya) behold (tatha) and also other (bahooni) many (adrshtpoorvaani) never seen before (aashcharyaani) wonderous forms (pashya) behold. (6)
Translation: O Bharatvanshi Arjun! Behold the Adityas i.e. the twelve sons of Aditi, the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the two Ashvini Kumars and the forty-nine Marudrnas in me and also behold many other wonderous forms that have never been seen before.
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