Gita 11.45
अदृष्टपूर्वम्, हृषितः, अस्मि, दृष्टवा, भयेन, च, प्रव्यथितम्, मनः,
मे, तत्, एव, मे, दर्शय, देवरूपम्, प्रसीद, देवेश, जगन्निवास।।45।।
Adrshtpoorvam’, hrshitH, asmi, drshtva, bhayen, ch, prvyathitam’, manH,
Me, tat’, ev, me, darshay, devroopam’, prseed, devesh, jagannivaas ||45||
Translation: (Adrshtpoorvam’) this wonderous form which has never been seen before (drshtva) seeing (hrshitH) overjoyed (asmi) am feeling (ch) and (me) my (manH) mind (bhayen) with fear (prvvyathitam’) is also getting perturbed, therefore you (tat’) your that (devroopam’) Chaturbhuj [four-armed] Vishnu form (ev) only (me) me (darshay) show (devesh) O God of gods! (jagannivaas) O refuge of the universe! (prseed) be pleased. (45)
Translation: Seeing this wonderous form of yours which has never been seen before, I am feeling overjoyed, and my mind is also getting perturbed with fear; therefore, you only show me that Chaturbhuj (four-armed) Vishnu-form of yours. O God of gods! O refuge of the universe! Be pleased.
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