Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 41-42

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 41-42

Gita 11.41, 11.42

सखा, इति, मत्वा, प्रसभम्, यत्, उक्तम्, हे कृष्ण, हे यादव, हे सखे,
इति, अजानता, महिमानम्, तव, इदम्, मया, प्रमादात्, प्रणयेन, वा, अपि।।41।।

यत्, च, अवहासार्थम्, असत्कृतः, असि, विहारशय्यासनभोजनेषु,
एकः, अथवा, अपि, अच्युत, तत्समक्षम्, तत्, क्षामये, त्वाम्, अहम्, अप्रमेयम्।।42।।

Gita 11.41, Gita 11.42

Sakhaa, iti, matva, prsabham’, yat’, uktam’, he Krishna, he yadav, he sakhe,
Iti, ajaanta, mahimaanm’, tav, idam’, mya, prmaadaat’, pranyen, va, api ||41||

Yat’, ch, avhaasaarthm’, asatkrtH, asi, vihaarshayyaasanbhojneshu,
EkH, athva, api, achyut, tatsamaksham’, tat’, kshaamye, tvaam’, aham’, aprmeyam’ ||42||

Translation: (Tav) your (idam’) this (mahimaanm’) power/glory (ajaanta) unaware of; you are my (sakha) friend (iti) thus (matva) considering (pranyen) in love (va) or (prmaadaat’) in madness (api) also (mya) I (he Krishna) O Krishna! (he Yadav) O Yadav! (he sakha) O friend! (iti) thus (yat’) whatever without consideration (prsabham’) rashly (uktam’) have said (ch) and (achyut) O Achyut! You (yat’) who, by me (avhaasaarthm’) in amusement (vihaarshayyaasanbhojneshu) while playing, lying in bed and at mealtime (ekH) alone (athva) or (tatsamaksham’) in front of those friends (api) also (asatkrtH) were dishonoured (asi) have (tat’) all those offences (aprmeyam’) one with inconceivable power/glory (tvaam’) from you (aham’) I (kshaamye) ask for forgiveness. (41, 42)

Translation: Unaware of this power/glory of yours, considering you as my friend, in madaness or also in love, O Krishna, O Yadav, O friend, thus whatever I have rashly said without consideration, and O Achyut, you have been dishonoured by me in amusement while playing, lying in bed and at mealtime either alone or also in front of those friends; O one with inconceivable power/glory, I ask for forgiveness from you for all those offences.

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