Gita 11.37
कस्मात्, च, ते, न, नमेरन्, महात्मन्, गरीयसे, ब्रह्मणः,
अपि, आदिकत्र्रो, अनन्त, देवेश, जगन्निवास,
त्वम्, अक्षरम्, सत्, असत्, तत्परम्, यत्।।37।।
Kasmaat’, ch, te, na, nameyran’, mahaatman’, gareeyase, brhmanH,
Api, aadikartre, anant, devesh, jagannivas,
Tvam’, aksharam’, sat’, asat’, tatparam’, yat’ ||37
Translation: (Mahaatman’) O Mahatman! (brhmanH) Almighty God (api) also (aadikartre) and also the original creator (ch) and (gareeyase) the greatest (te) to you (kasmaat’) why (na, nameyran’) should not bow because (anant) O Infinite Being [anant]! (devesh) of God of gods! (jagannivas) O Refuge of the world! (yat’) one who (sat’) the manifest(asat) the unmanifest and (tatparam’) beyond them (aksharam’) is Akshar/imperishable i.e. the Sachchidanandghan Brahm, he (tvam’) you only are. (37)
Translation: O Mahatman! You are the Almighty God, also the original creator and the greatest. Why should they not bow to you because O Anant (Infinite Being)! O (devesh) God of gods! O (jagannivas) Refuge of the universe, one who is the manifest and the unmanifestand beyond them, the Akshar i.e. Sachchidanandghan Brahm, he is you alone.
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