Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 2

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 2

Gita 11.2

भवाप्ययौ, हि, भूतानाम्, श्रुतौ, विस्तरशः, मया,
त्वत्तः, कमलपत्राक्ष, माहात्म्यम्, अपि, च, अव्ययम्।।2।।

Gita 11.2

Bhvaapyyau, hi, bhootaanaam’, shrutau, vistarashH, mya,
TvattH, kamalpatraaksh, maahaatmyam’, api, ch, avyyam’ ||2||

Translation: (Hi) because (kamalpatraaksh) O Lotus-eyed! (mya) I (tvattH) from you (bhootaanaam’) of the living beings (bhvaapyyau) the origin and destruction (vistarashH) in detail (shrutau) have heard (ch) and you (avyyam’) immortal (maahaatmyam’) glory (api) have also heard. (2)

Translation: Because o Lotus-eyed! I have heard the origin and destruction of the living beings from you in detail and have also heard your immortal glory.

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