Gita 11.19
अनादिमध्यान्तम्, अनन्तवीर्यम्, अनन्तबाहुम्, शशिसूर्यनेत्रम्,
पश्यामि, त्वाम्, दीप्तहुताशवक्त्रम्, स्वतेजसा, विश्वम्, इदम्, तपन्तम्।।19।।
Anaadimadhyaantm’, anantveeryam’, anantbaahum’, shashisuryanetrm’,
Pashyaami, tvaam’, deepthutaashavaktrm’, swatejsa, vishvam’, idam’, tapantm’ ||19||
Translation: (Tvaam’) you (anaadimadhyaantm’) without a beginning, end and middle (anantveeryam’) with unlimited power (anantbaahum’) with unlimited arms (shashisuryanetrm’) with eyes like the sun and the moon (deepthutaashavakrtm’) with mouth like blazing fire and (swatejsa) by your radiance (idam’) this (vishvam’) universe (tapantam’) scorching (pashyaami) I see. (19)
Translation: I see you without a beginning, end and middle, possessing unlimited power, with unlimited arms, with eyes like the sun and the moon, with a mouth like blazing fire, and scorching this universe by your radiance.
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