Gita 11.12
दिवि, सूर्यसहस्त्रास्य, भवेत्, युगपत्, उत्थिता,
यदि, भाः, सदृशी, सा, स्यात्, भासः, तस्य, महात्मनः।।12।।
Divi, suryasahstrasya, bhavet’, yugpat’, utthita,
Yadi, bhaH, sadrshi, saa, syaat’, bhaasH, tasya, mahatmanH ||12||
Translation: (Divi) in the sky (suryasahstrasya) thousand suns (yugpat’) at once (utthita) produced from rising of (bhaH) radiance (bhavet’) be (saa) that also (tasya) that (mahatmanH) God’s (bhaasH) effulgence (sadrshi) resemble/similar (yadi) probably, might (syaat’) be. (12)
Translation: If thousands of suns were to rise at once in the sky, their radiance also might resemble the effulgence of that God.
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