Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 12

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 12

Gita 11.12

दिवि, सूर्यसहस्त्रास्य, भवेत्, युगपत्, उत्थिता,
यदि, भाः, सदृशी, सा, स्यात्, भासः, तस्य, महात्मनः।।12।।

Gita 11.12

Divi, suryasahstrasya, bhavet’, yugpat’, utthita,
Yadi, bhaH, sadrshi, saa, syaat’, bhaasH, tasya, mahatmanH ||12||

Translation: (Divi) in the sky (suryasahstrasya) thousand suns (yugpat’) at once (utthita) produced from rising of (bhaH) radiance (bhavet’) be (saa) that also (tasya) that (mahatmanH) God’s (bhaasH) effulgence (sadrshi) resemble/similar (yadi) probably, might (syaat’) be. (12)

Translation: If thousands of suns were to rise at once in the sky, their radiance also might resemble the effulgence of that God.

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