Gita 10.42
अथवा, बहुना, एतेन, किम्, ज्ञातेन्, तव, अर्जुन,
विष्टभ्य, अहम्, इदम्, कृृत्स्न्नम्, एकांशेन, स्थितः, जगत्।।42।।
Athva, bahuna, eten, kim’, gyaaten’, tav, Arjun,
Vishtabhya, aham’, idam’, krtsnnm’, ekaanshen, sthitH, jagat ||42||
Translation: (Athva) or (Arjun) O Arjun! (eten) this (bahuna) a lot (gyaaten’) to know (tav) your (kim’) what is the need (aham’) I (idam’) this (krtsnnm’) whole (jagat) universe by power of my yog (ekaanshen) by a fraction (vishtabhya) by supporting (sthitH) am situated. (42)
Translation: Or O Arjun! What is the need of your knowing all this in detail? I am situated by supporting this whole universe by a fraction of my power of yog.
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