Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 41

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 41

Gita 10.41

यत्, यत्, विभूतिमत्, सत्वम्, श्रीमत्, ऊर्जितम्, एव, वा,
तत्, तत्, एव अवगच्छ, त्वम्, मम्, तेजोंऽशसम्भवम्।। 41।।

Gita 10.41

Yat’, yat’, vibhootimat’, satvam’, shreemat’, oorjitam’, ev, va,
Tat’, tat’, ev, avgachchh, tvam’, mm’, tejonshsambhavm’ ||41||

Translation: (Yat’ yat’ ev) whatever (vibhootimat’) majestic (shreemat’) superior view point (va) and (oorjitam’) powerful (satvam’) a thing is (tat’) that (tat’) that (tvam’) you (mm) my (tejonsh sambhavm’ ev) expression of a part of brilliance (avgachchh) know. (41)

Translation: Whatever is majestic, superior and powerful thing; know that as an expression of a part of my brilliance.

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