Gita 10.38
दण्डः, दमयताम्, अस्मि, नीतिः, अस्मि, जिगीषताम्,
मौनम्, च, एव, अस्मि, गुह्यानाम्, ज्ञानम्, ज्ञानवताम्, अहम्।।38।।
DandH, damaytaam’, asmi, neetiH, asmi, jigeeshtaam’,
Maunm’, ch, ev, asmi, guhyaanaam’, gyaanm’, gyaanvataam’, aham’ ||38||
Translation: (Damaytaam’) those who suppress (dandH) punishment i.e power of suppression (asmi) am (jigeeshtam’) who seek victory (neetiH) statesmansip (asmi) am (guhyaanaam’) protector of things to be kept a secret (maunm’) silence (asmi) am (ch) and (gyaanvataam’) knowledgeable (gyaanm’) knowledge (aham’) I (ev) alone. (38)
Translation: I am the punishment of those who suppress i.e. am the power of their suppression; I am the statesmanship of those who seek victoey; I am silence, the protector of the things to be kept a secret and I alone am the knowledge of the knowledgeable people.
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