Gita 10.30
हलादः, च, अस्मि, दैत्यानाम्, कालः, कलयताम्, अहम्,
मृगाणाम्, च, मृगेन्द्रः, अहम्, वैनतेयः, च, पक्षिणाम्।।30।।
PrhladH, ch, asmi, daityaanam’, kaalH, kalaytaam’, aham’,
Mrgaanaam’, ch, mrgendrH, aham’, vainteyH, ch, pakshinam’ ||30||
Translation: (Aham’) I (daityaanam’) among the demons (prhladH) Prahlad (ch) and (kalaytaam’) of those who count (kaalH) time (asmi) am (ch) and (mrgaanaam’) among the animals (mrgendrH) king of animals, lion (ch) and (pakshinaam’) among the birds (aham’) I (vainteyH) Garud. (30)
Translation: I am Prahlad among the demons and am time of those who count, and among the animals I am the king of animals, Lion; and I am Garud among the birds.
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