Gita 10.29
अनन्तः, च, अस्मि, नागानाम्, वरुणः, यादसाम्, अहम्,
पित¤णाम्, अर्यमा, च, अस्मि, यमः, संयमताम्, अहम्।।29।।
AnantH, ch, asmi, naaganam’, varunH, yaadsaam’, aham’,
Pitrnaam’, aryma, ch, asmi, yamH, sanyamtaam’, aham’ ||29||
Translation: (Aham’) I (naaganam’) snakes (anantH) Sheshnaag (ch) and (yaadsaam’) the lord of aquatic creatures (varunH) the Varun god (asmi) am (ch) and (pitrnaam’) among the Pitras (aryma) Pitra named Aryma and (sanyamtaam’) among the rulers (yamH) yamraj (aham’) I (asmi) am. (29)
Translation: I am Sheshnaag among the snakes and I am god Varun, the lord of the aquatic creatures and among the Pitras I am the Pitra named Aryma and among the rulers I am Yamraj.
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