Gita 10.28
आयुधानाम्, अहम्, वज्रम्, धेनूनाम्, अस्मि, कामधुक्,
प्रजनः, च, अस्मि, कन्दर्पः, सर्पाणाम्, अस्मि, वासुकिः।।28।।
Aayudhaanam’, aham’, vajrm’, dhenunaam’, asmi, kamdhuk’,
PrjanH, ch, asmi, kandarpH, sarpaanam’, asmi, vasukiH ||28||
Translation: (Aham’) I am (aayudhaanam’) among the weapons (vajrm’) thunderbolt and (dhenunaam’) among the cows (kamdhuk’) Kamdhenu (asmi) am (prjanH) the cause of production of offsprings according to the course mentioned in the scriptures (kandarpH) Kamdev (asmi) am (ch) and (sarpaanam’) among the serpents (vasukiH) the king of serpents, Vasuki (asmi) I am. (28)
Translation: I am thunderbolt among the weapons and Kamdhenu among the cows. I am Kamdev, the cause of the production of offsprings according to the course mentioned in the scriptures and among the serpents I am the king of serpents, Vasuki.
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