Gita 10.25
महर्षीणाम्, भृृगुः, अहम्, गिराम्, अस्मि, एकम्, अक्षरम्,
यज्ञानाम्, जपयज्ञः, अस्मि, स्थावराणाम्, हिमालयः।।25।।
Mahrshinam’, bhrguH, aham’, giraam’, asmi, ekam’, aksharm’,
Yagyaanam’, japyagyaH, asmi, sthaavraanam’, himalayH ||25||
Translation: (Aham’) I am (mahrshinam’) among the great sages (bhriguH) Bhrigu and (giraam’) among the words (ekam’) one (aksharm’) letter i.e. Omkaar (asmi) I am (yagyaanam’) among all the types of yagyas (japyagyaH) Japyagya [silent repetition of God’s name] and (sthaavraanam’) among the stationary (himalayH) Himalaya mountain (asmi) I am. (25)
Translation: I am Bhrigu among the great sages and am the one letter i.e. Omkaar among the words. Of all the yagyas I am Japyagya (silent repetition of God’s name) and among the stationary I am the mountain Himalaya.
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