Gita 10.23
रुद्राणाम्, शंकरः, च, अस्मि, वित्तेशः, यक्षरक्षसाम्,
वसूनाम्, पावकः, च, अस्मि, मेरुः, शिखरिणाम्, अहम्।।23।।
Rudranam’, shankarH, ch, asmi, vitteshH, yakshrakshsam’,
Vasoonam’, paavakH, ch, asmi, meruH, shikhrinam’, aham’ ||23||
Translation: (Rudranam’) among the eleven Rudras (shankarH) Shankar (asmi) I am (ch) and (yakshrakshsam’) among the Yakshas and Rakshas (vitteshH) I am Kuber, the lord of wealth (aham’) I am (vasoonam’) among the eight Vasus (paavakH) fire (asmi) I am (ch) and (shikhrinam’) among the peaked mountains (meruH) Sumeru mountain. (23)
Translation: Among the eleven Rudras I am Shankar, and among the Yakshas and Rakshas I am Kuber, the lord of wealth; I am fire among the eight Vasus and I am the Sumeru mountain among the peaked mountains.
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