Gita 10.21
आदित्यानाम्, अहम्, विष्णुः, ज्योतिषाम्, रविः, अंशुमान्,
मरीचिः, मरुताम्, अस्मि, नक्षत्राणाम्, अहम्, शशी।।21।।
Aadityaanam’, aham’, vishnuH, jyotisham’, raviH, anshumaan’,
MareechiH, marutaam’, asmi, nakshatraanaam’, aham’, shashi ||21||
Translation: (Aham’) I (aadityanam’) among the twelve sons of Aditi (vishnuH) Vishnu and (jyotisham’) among the lights (anshumaan’) radiant (raviH) sun (asmi) am and (aham’) I (marutaam’) of the fourty-nine wind-gods (mareechiH) brilliance / swiftness (nakshatraanam’) of the stars (shashi) lord, moon. (21)
Translation: I am Vishnu among the twelve sons of Aditi and am the radiant sun among the lights and I am the brilliance/swiftness of the forty-nine wind-gods and am the lord moon of the stars.
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