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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 4-5-6

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 4-5-6

Gita 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

Atr, shooraH, maheshvasaH, BheemarjunsamaaH, yudhi,
YuyudhaanH, viraatH, ch, DrupadH, ch, maharathH ||4||

DhrshtketuH, chekitaanH, kaashirajH, ch, veeryavaan’
Purujit’, kuntibhojH, ch, shaibyaH, ch, narpungavH ||5||

YudhamanyuH, ch, vikrantH, uttamaujaH, ch, veeryavaan’
SaubhadrH, DraupdeyaH, ch, sarve, ev, maharathaH ||6||

1.4, 1.5, 1.6 Translation

(Atr) in this army (maheshvasaH) mighty archers (ch) and (yudhi) in the fight (BheemarjunsamaaH) equivalent to Bheem and Arjun (shooraH) heroes (yuyudhaanH) Satyaki (ch) and (viraatH) Viraat (ch) and (maharathH) great warrior (DrupadH) King Drupad {4} (DhrshtketuH) Dhrishtketu (ch) and (ChekitaanH) Chekitan (ch) and (veeryavaan’) powerful (kaashirajH) Kashiraj (purujit’) Purujit (KuntibhojH) Kuntibhoj (ch) and (narpungavaH) the best among men (shaibyaH) Shaibya {5} (vikrantH) mighty (yudhamanyuH) Yudhamanyu (ch) and (veeryavaan’) powerful (uttamaujaH) Uttamauja (SaubhadraH) Subhadra’s son Abhimanyu (ch) and (DraupadeyaH) these five sons of Draupadi (sarve, ev) all (maharathaH) are great chariot-warriors. {6}

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 4, 5, 6

In this army, mighty archers and equivalent to Bheem and Arjun in fight – heroes Satyaki and Viraat, and great chariot-warriors – King Drupad, Dhrishtketu and Chekitan and powerful Kashiraj Purujit, Kuntibhoj and best among men – Shaibya, mighty Yudhamanyu and powerful Uttamauja, Subhadra’s son, Abhimanyu and Draupadi’s five sons, - all these great chariot-warriors are there.

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