Tasmaat’, na, arhaH, vayam’, hantum’, Dhartrashtraan’, swabaandhwaan’,
Swajanam’, hi, katham’, hatva, sukhinH, syaam, Maadhav ||37||
Translation: (Tasmaat’) therefore (Maadhav) Oh Madhav! (swabaandhwaan’) our own relative (Dhartrashtraan’) Dhritrashtr’s sons (hantum’) to kill (vayam’) we (na, arhaH) are not capable (hi) because (swajanam’) our own family (hatva) on killing, we (katham’) how (sukhinH) happy (syaam) will be? (37)
Translation: Therefore Oh Madhav! We are not capable of killing our own relative, Dhritrashtr’s sons because how will we be happy by killing our own family?
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