Etaan’, na, hantum’, ichchhaami, ghnatH, api, madhusudan,
Api, traelokyaraajyasya, hetoH, kim’, nu, maheekrte ||35||
(Madhusudan) O Madhusudan! Me (ghnatH) on killing (api) also and (traelokyrajyasya) kingdom of three loks (hetoH) for (api) also, I (etaan’) all of these (hantum’) to kill (na) not (ichchhaami) want, then (maheekrte) for the Earth (nu, kim’) what to say? (35)
O Madhusudan! I do not want to kill all of these even if they kill me or even for the kingdom of the three (loks) worlds, then not to mention for the Earth.
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