Bhagavad Gita Summary Chapter 4 – In the beginning fromVerse 1-3, God says to Arjun that I had imparted this ‘eternal way of worship‘ to Sun God (Surya). Sun God narrated it to son Manu and Manu passed this on to his son Ikshwaku. In this way, this tradition was being carried on. The great knowledge had then disappeared for a long time. You are my dear friend. Therefore I have imparted the same knowledge to you. This should be kept a secret.
The answer is very simple. Kaal (the master of the universe that we are residing in) doesn’t want an ordinary man to know about this knowledge because if one does, one will become aware of the Kaal’s trap and strive to escape from it. In doing so Kaal lok (universe) will become empty which Kaal doesn’t want to happen.
In the next verse i.e. Verse 4, Arjun questions that your birth is of this time whereas God Surya’s birth is of earlier times. How is this possible that you only imparted this knowledge to Surya?
God Kaal in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 5 to 9 clarifies to Arjun that you and I have had several births. You do not know all of them; I know. I, being the immortal soul that does not take birth like a human being and also being the God of all living beings (of the 21 brahmands), by subjugating my Prakriti (Sheranwali) give rise to Sri Brahma, Sri Vishnu, Sri Shiv. Then from them only, create Sri Krishna, Sri Ram, Sri Parshuram etc-etc as incarnations and then secretively appear in them. Whenever there is a decline of Dharm (religion / righteousness) and an uprising of Adharm (irreligion / irrighteousness), then I create my incarnations and those incarnations appear to protect sadhus (virtuous) and destroy the non-sadhus (wicked).
The important point to note here is that Brahm (Kaal), the narrator of Holy Gita, is saying that Arjun, even I have birth and death. You do not know this; I know. This proves that the narrator of Bhagavad Gita is in birth and death. Kaal further clarifies that Oh Arjun! My births and actions are divine. He who understands the truth about me, that completely knowledgeable person does not have a rebirth.
Gita Verse 10-15 – God Kaal says that whose love-hatred have died down, who have understood in essence that I am the doer of all the actions and the master, they have become Matavlambi i.e. of the nature of doing worship according to the scriptures. [Note: These are Kabir hans (souls), the worshippers of the three mantras, who by chanting Satyanaam and Saarnaam, get liberated (go to Satlok)]. Like, in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 17, it is said that I like the knowledgeable persons and I am dear to them. Because they instead of worshipping the three gunas (Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, tamgun Shiv Ji) worship me; likewise, here in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 11, it is said that those who worship me, I worship them i.e. they are dear to me because they at sometime on finding a Tatvadarshi saint immediately start doing the true worship. Its evidence is given in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 and 17. Then has said that one who becomes fully acquainted with me, does not get caught in my trap, and those who worship the gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv), the gods soon appear before them and give them some relief but can not liberate them completely. Therefore you follow the scripture-based acts of worship like your ancestors.
Bhagavad Gita Summary Chapter 4 Verse 16 to 22 gives an account on actions (karmas), it is said that whosoever does any action should not bring ‘doership’ in it and should say, “Oh Master, I am doing this act being dependant on you.” This petty living being is ignorant of action-inaction (karm-akarm). One who performs actions without any desires is a pandit (a learned person), and does not get bound in the bondage of actions.
Therefore in this very Bhagavad Gita Chapter in Verse 34 it is stated that the knowledge of all the actions is only possible through Tattavgyan (the true knowledge) that which God is worthy of being worshipped and who is not. Then the devotee instead of being bound to the bondage of actions, inflicted by Brahm, will go to Satlok. And then becomes free from the bondage of actions forever. One does not get released from the bondage of actions by the knowledge upto Brahm; they (actions) have to be borne. Please ponder, who can be a greater learned person than God Vishnu? He also had a birth as Sri Ramchndra on being bound to bondage of actions. Because he gave Maharishi Narad Ji a monkey’s face, based on which Narad Ji cursed God Vishnu Ji. Based on the bondage of that action he took birth in King Dashrath’s house, went to exile and killed Bali. Being bound to bondage of the action of killing Bali, that soul of Vishnu took birth in the form of Sri Krishna in Dwapar Yug. Then Bali’s soul, who was a hunter at that time, took revenge of that action by shooting an arrow in Sri Krishna Ji’s foot. He had to take birth in Krishna form because of being bound to the bondage of this very action.
Only God Kabir can liberate one from the bondage of actions. Therefore he is called Bandichhor (the Liberator). It is also evident in Holy Yajurved Chapter 5 Mantra 32 and Yajurved Chapter 8 Mantra 13 that (Kaviranghaari asi) Kabir Parmeshwar (God) is the enemy of sins i.e. is the destroyer of sins; (Bambhaariasi) that God Kabir is the enemy of bondages I.e. is Bandichhor, the Liberator from the prison of Kaal’s bondage of actions.
The essence of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 23-24 is that a devotee who performs all actions by observing God as the witness, his all actions are like Brahm’s (God’s). Because that Tatvagyani (the knower of the truth) devotee does not practice arbitrary behaviour opposed to the ordinanaces of the scriptures. Therefore his words and actions are engaged in praising God, and is engrossed in the thoughts of God all the time. He performs actions after a thorough consideration.
Gita Verse 25 to 30 – different types of acts of worship have been described. It has been said that some devotees are doing karmyog by doing hawan yagya, some are engaged in sadhna (restraining) of senses, and some have engaged their senses of actions and senses of knowledge in yagya of knowledge. Some are doing charity (wealth), some are following ascetic practices. Some are fasting intensely; some, considering action to be greater than other practices and study of scriptures, are engrossed in spiritual actions and others are performing the act of worship by following the method of Pranayam (in Yoga, Breathing exercise of restraining breath) and are believing that all these acts of bhakti are destroyers of sins.
However the fact is that sins are not destroyed by the way of worship mentioned in Vedas and Gita, they have to be borne. Other accomplishments like supernatural powers and attainment of heaven-great heaven are certainly achieved but sinful deeds are not eliminated. A devotee who does sumiran (chant) of Satnaam and Saarnaam attains the ‘Sanatan Brahm’ (Supreme God) and his birth-death end permanently.
The worshipper of Purna Parmatma (the Supreme God) does more of Gyan yagya along with the other four yagyas. Gyan yagya – study of religious texts morning, evening and afternoon, listening to spiritual discourse and reading religious books, and simultaneously also does jaap of Guru Mantra through breaths. That devotee’s sins get destroyed and he attains eternal liberation.
Bhagavad Gita Summary Chapter 4 Verse 31-32 – It has been said in Verse 31-32 that apart from yagya, those who experience the joy (nectar) of the jaap (chanting) of Satnaam and Saarnaam, they attain the Supreme God (Sanatan Brahm). Describing yagya also as essential, Kaal has said that along with chanting of naam mantra, five yagyas (dharm-meritorious acts, dhyaan-concentration, hawan-sacrificial fire, pranaam-prostrating body in submission, gyaan-knowledge i.e. study of religious texts) are also essential. These yagyas work as manure to nurture the plant of worship. If only naam sadhna is done and no yagya is performed then just as with the shortage of water and manure the plants dries up, likewise, by not doing yagya, a devotee becomes arrogant, ruthless and faithless. Without the jaap of actual mantra, just doing yagya is also fruitless. Those who have not taken initiation from a complete Saint, or after taking initiation (True Mantra), do not perform the five yagyas, they will not attain any benefit in this lok, then how can they attain any in Parlok (the other lok/world)? Arjun, one who performs yagya by considering the Supreme God situated in yagyas as his diety, he, by doing sumiran of the actual mantras along with the yagyas, attains the nectar of complete liberation i.e. attains the Supreme God.
There is a detailed description of all the yagyas in the Sukshm Ved by the Purna Parmatma from his lotus mouth which are accomplished by physical acts of bhakti. On knowing this one becomes liberated. Even I (God who is narrating Gita) do not know that Tattavgyan (the True Knowledge). For the description of the path of complete liberation of the Purna Parmatma, find the saints who know the Tattavgyan.
Important: Bhagavad Gita Summary Chapter 4 Verse 33 to 35 – The purport is that Oh Arjun! Go to the Tattavdarshi saints who have the complete knowledge and the solution of the Purna Parmatma. Submissively and respectfully prostrate before them, with love and courtesy ask the path to that God. Then those saints will tell the way (Satnaam and Saarnaam) of achieving Purna Parmatma, knowing which you will not be deluded by ignorance. Then you, on the basis of this knowledge only, will first of all know yourself that how did I get caught in Kaal’s trap and then will see me (in Kaal form); then you will try your best to get out of here. See the distinctive feature of a Tattavdarshi saint in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1 to 4. In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 33 to 42, Kaal God, the narrator of Holy Srimad bhagwat Gita Ji, said that knowledge yagya is superior to wealth yagya (charity). I am unaware of that Supreme God’s tattavgyan i.e. I do not know. Therefore go to a knowledgeable (Dheeranam) saint who has complete knowledge about the Purna Parmatma and gather full information (the path to Purna Brahm Parmatma); first of all, prostrate before those Purna Saints (complete saints), then serve them, and then with great submissiveness and courteousy ask them the way to attain Purna Parmatma. Then becoming pleased they will explain the entire tattavgyan to you and will do your good by giving naam updesh. Then you will be able to understand me that I am actually Kaal. First of all you will understand yourself that who are you and how did you get caught in my (Kaal’s) trap. Then you will look at me (considering me Kaal) with a different perspective (not with the previous disposition). When you will come to know about the Purna Parmatma, then you will search for the Complete Guru who will give you Satnaam and Saarnaam. Then after taking jaap of three mantras (in which one is Om+ Tat+ Sat, these two are indicative mantras which only that Complete Saint can tell) from that Tattavdarshi saint you will become free from all the sins. When you will acquire full knowledge about me (Kaal), then will do naam jaap and bhajan with full interest. The intense interest in Satyanaam and Saarnaam will destroy the sins like fire i.e. that God has this power that He can end all the sins of a living being; whereas, Brahm (Kaal) can not do so. One who has gained complete information will attain supreme peace i.e by doing sadhna of Purna Parmatma will become completely liberated.
A devotee, whose all doubts have been dispelled, has surrendered himself to the Purna Parmatma. That knowledgeable person severs the demon of doubt with the sword of Tattavgyan. Therefore get up i.e become alert, listen to the Tattavgyan from the Tattavdarshi saint and become firm on the scripture-based acts of bhakti.
Read all the verses of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4
The Finest & the Most Accurate Translation of Bhagavad Gita done by Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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