Gita 8.20
परः, तस्मात्, तु, भावः, अन्यः, अव्यक्तः, अव्यक्तात्, सनातनः।
यः सः, सर्वेषु, भूतेषु, नश्यत्सु, न, विनश्यति।।20।।
ParH, tasmaat’, tu, bhaavH, anyaH, avyaktH, avyaktaat’, sanaatanH,
YaH, saH, sarveshu, bhooteshu, nashyatsu, na, vinashyati ||20||
Translation: (Tu) but (tasmaat’) that (avyaktaat’) unmanifested i.e. hidden ParBrahm (parH) beyond (anyaH) other (yaH) the (sanaatanH) eternal (avyaktH) unmanifested i.e. hidden (bhaavH) form (saH) that Supreme divine God (sarveshu) all (bhooteshu) living beings (nashyatsu) even after the destruction (na, vinashyati) does not get destroyed.
Gita 8.20: But the other eternal unmanifested i.e. invisible form which is present beyond that unmanifested i.e. invisible ParBrahm, that Supreme divine God even after the destruction of all the living beings does not get destroyed. (20)
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