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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 19

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 19

Gita 8.19

भूतग्रामः, सः, एव, अयम्, भूत्वा, भूत्वा, प्रलीयते,
रात्रयागमे, अवशः, पार्थ, प्रभवति, अहरागमे।।19।।

Gita 8.19

BhootgraamH, saH, ev, ayam’, bhootva, bhootva, prleeyate,
Raatryaagme, avashH, paarth, prbhavti, ahraagme ||19||

Translation: (Paarth) O Paarth! (saH, ev) the same (ayam’) this (bhootgraamH) the multitude of living beings (bhootva, bhootva) having born (avashH) under the influence of deeds (raatryaagme) at the arrival of night (prleeyate) dissolve and (ahraagme) at the beginning of day, again (prbhavti) is born. (19)

Gita 8.19: O Paarth! This same multitude of living beings, having born, under the influence of deeds, dissolves at the arrival of night and is born again at the beginning of the day.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 19

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 19

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