(Arjun uvaach)
Kim’, tat’, Brahm, kim’, adhyaatmm’, kim’, karm, purushottam’,
Adhibhootam’, ch, kim’, proktam’, adhidaivm’, kim’, uchyate ||1||
(Arjun said)
(Purushottam’) O Purushottam! (tat’) that (Brahm) Brahm (kim’) what is (Adhyatmm’) Adhyaatm (kim’) what is (karm) karm / action (kim’) what is? (Adhibhootam’) by the name Adhibhoot (kim’) what (proktam’) is called (ch) and (Adhidaivm’) Adhidaiv (kim’) who (uchyate) is said to be. (1)
O Purushottam! What is that Brahm? What is Adhyatm? What is Karm? What is called by the name Adhibhoot, and who is said to be Adhidaiv?
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