Gita 7.26
वेद्, अहम्, समतीतानि, वर्तमानानि, च, अर्जुन,
भविष्याणि, च, भूतानि, माम्, तु, वेद,न,कश्चन।।26।।
Ved’, aham’, samteetaani, vartmaanaani, ch, Arjun,
Bhavishyaani, ch, bhootaani, mam’, tu, ved, na, kashchan ||26||
Translation: (Arjun) O Arjun! (samteetaani) who have dwelled in the past (ch) and (vartmaanaani) existing in the present (ch) and (bhavishyaani) will come in future (bhootaani) all the living beings (aham’) I (ved) know (tu) but (mam’) me (kashchan) anyone (na) not (ved) knows. (26)
Gita 7.26: O Arjun! I know all the living beings who have dwelled in the past and who are existing in the present and will come in the future. But no one knows me.
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