Gita 6.36
असंयतात्मना, योगः, दुष्प्रापः, इति, मे, मतिः,
वश्यात्मना, तु, यतता, शक्यः, अवाप्तुम्, उपायतः।।36।।
Asanytaatmna, yogH, dushpraapH, iti, me, matiH,
Vashyaatmna, tu, yatataa, shakyaH, avaaptum’, upaayatH ||36||
Translation: (Asanytaatmna) by a person whose mind is not under control i.e. who is not abstinent (yogH) bhakti (dushpraapH) is difficult to attain (tu) but (vashyaatmna) one who performs scripture-based sadhna i.e. by not following arbitrary way of worship one whose mind is under control, (yatataa) a person who strives (upaayatH) by proper means (avaaptum’) to attain (shakyaH) is possible (iti) this (me) my (matiH) is opinion i.e. view. (36)
Gita 6.36: Bhakti is difficult to attain by a person whose mind is not under control i.e. who is not abstinent, but it is possible to attain through proper means by a striving person who performs scripture-based sadhna i.e. by not following arbitrary way of worship whose mind is under control. This is my opinion i.e. view.
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