Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 35

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 35

Gita 6.35

(भगवान उवाच)

असंशयम्, महाबाहो, मनः, दुर्निग्रहम्, चलम्,
अभ्यासेन, तु, कौन्तेय, वैराग्येण, च, गृह्यते।।35।।

Gita 6.35

(Bhagwan uvaach)

Asanshyam’, mahaabaaho, manH, durnigraham’, chalam’,
Abhyaasen, tu, kauntey, vairaagyen, ch, grhyate ||35||

(God said)

Translation: (Mahaabaaho) O mighty-armed! (asanshyam’) undoubtedly (manH) the mind (chalam’) is restless and (durnigraham’) is hard to control (tu) but (kauntey) O son of Kunti, Arjun! (abhyaasen) by practice (ch) and (vairaagyen) by detachment (grhyate) is controlled. (35)

Gita 6.35: O mighty-armed! Undoubtedly, the mind is restless and very hard to control, but O son of Kunti, Arjun! It is controlled by practice and detachment.

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