Gita 6.35
(भगवान उवाच)
असंशयम्, महाबाहो, मनः, दुर्निग्रहम्, चलम्,
अभ्यासेन, तु, कौन्तेय, वैराग्येण, च, गृह्यते।।35।।
(Bhagwan uvaach)
Asanshyam’, mahaabaaho, manH, durnigraham’, chalam’,
Abhyaasen, tu, kauntey, vairaagyen, ch, grhyate ||35||
(God said)
Translation: (Mahaabaaho) O mighty-armed! (asanshyam’) undoubtedly (manH) the mind (chalam’) is restless and (durnigraham’) is hard to control (tu) but (kauntey) O son of Kunti, Arjun! (abhyaasen) by practice (ch) and (vairaagyen) by detachment (grhyate) is controlled. (35)
Gita 6.35: O mighty-armed! Undoubtedly, the mind is restless and very hard to control, but O son of Kunti, Arjun! It is controlled by practice and detachment.
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