Gita 6.26
यतः, यतः, निश्चरति, मनः, चंचलम्, अस्थिरम्,
ततः, ततः, नियम्य, एतत्, आत्मनि, एव, वशम्, नयेत्।।26।।
YatH, yatH, nishcharti, manH, chanchalam’, asthiram’,
TatH, tatH, niyamya, etat’, aatmani, ev, vasham’, nayet’ ||26||
Translation: (Etat’) This (asthiram’) unsteady and (chanchalam’) restless (manH) mind (yatH, yatH) wherever (nishcharti) wanders (tatH, tatH) from there (niyamya) removing (aatmani) a scripture-based devotee, a soul blessed by the Supreme God, with the support of his Supreme God (ev) only (vasham’) control the mind (nayet’) should do. (26)
Gita 6.26: Wherever this unsteady and restless mind wanders, removing it from there, a scripture-based devotee, a soul blessed by the Purna Parmatma, with the support of his Supreme God only should control the mind.
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