Gita 6.21
सुखम् आत्यन्तिकम्, यत्, तत्, बुद्धिग्राह्यम्, अतीन्द्रियम्,
वेत्ति, यत्र, न, च, एव, अयम्, स्थितः, चलति, तत्त्वतः।।21।।
Sukham’, aatyantikam’, yat’, tat’, buddhigraahyam’, ateendriyam’,
Vetti, yatr, na, ch, ev, ayam’, sthitH, chalti, tatvatH ||21||
Translation: (Ateendriyam’) beyond the realm of senses (buddhigraahyam’) worthy of being acquired only by purified subtle intellect (yat’) which (aatyantikam’) eternal (sukham’) bliss. One trying to attain the Supreme God for complete salvation i.e. the never-ending happiness (tat’) it (yatr) the state in which (vetti) perceives (ch) and (ev) in reality, in this way (sthitH) established (ayam’) this yogi (tatvatH) Tatavgyani (na, chalti) does not get deviated. (21)
Gita 6.21: Beyond the realm of senses, the eternal bliss which is worthy of being acquired only by the purified subtle intellect, the state in which a person, striving to attain the Supreme God for complete salvation i.e. the never-ending happiness, perceives it. And in reality this Tatvgyani yogi established in this way, does not get deviated.
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