Gita 6.14
प्रशान्तात्मा, विगतभीः, ब्रह्मचारिव्रते, स्थितः,
मनः, संयम्य, मच्चितः, युक्तः, आसीत, मत्परः।।14।।
Prshaantaatma, vigatabhiH, brahmchaarivrte, sthitH,
ManH, sanyamya, machchitH, yuktH, aaseet, matparH ||14||
Translation: (Brahmchaarivrte) in the vow of celibacy (sthitH) steadfast (vigatabhiH) fearless and (prshaantaatma) with adequately peaceful inner-self (manH) mind (sanyamya) controlling (machchitH) engrossed attention (matparH) according to the mataavlambi opinion i.e. following the views that Kaal is expressing (yuktH) absorbed in sadhna (aaseet) establish. (14)
Gita 6.14: Steadfast in the vow of celibacy, fearless and with adequately peaceful inner-self, by controlling the mind and with engrossed attention, one should become established in sadhna based on mataavlambi mat’ i.e by following the views Kaal is expressing.
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