Gita 6.11
शुचै, देशे, प्रतिष्ठाप्य, स्थिरम्, आसनम्, आत्मनः,
न, अत्युच्छ्रितम्, न, अतिनीचम्, चैलाजिनकुशोत्तरम्।।11।।
Shuchau, deshe, prtishthaaapya, sthiram’, aasanam’, aatmanH,
Na, atyuchchhritam’, na, atineecham’, chailaajinkushottaram’ ||11||
Translation: (Shuchau) sanctified (deshe) place on which respectively (chailaajinkushottaram’) kush grass, deer skin and cloth are spread over; which (na) neither (atyuchchhritam’) too high and (na) nor (atineecham’) too low; such (aatmanH) one’s (aasanam’) seat (sthiram’) firm (prtishthaapya) having established. (11)
Gita 6.11: In a sanctified place which is covered with kusha grass, deer-skin and cloth respectively, which is neither too high, nor too low, having established such a firm seat for oneself.
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