Gita 5.26
कामक्रोधवियुक्तानाम्, यतीनाम्, यतचेतसाम्,
अभितः, ब्रह्मनिर्वाणम्, वर्तते, विदितात्मनाम्।।26।।
Kaamkrodhviyuktaanaam’, yateenaam’, yatchetsaam’,
AbhitH, brahmnirvaanm’, vartate, viditaatmnaam’ ||26||
Translation: (Kaamkrodhviyuktaanaam’) free from lust and anger (yatchetsaam’) industrious in the bhakti of God (viditaatmnaam’) who have seen and met God (yateenaam’) those men who are dependant on God (abhitH) in all respects (brahmnirvaanm’) only the peaceful Brahm i.e. Purna Brahm Parmatma /Supreme God (vartate) bring into practice i.e. worship only one Complete / Supreme God. (26)
Gita 5.26: Those men who are free from lust and anger, are industrious in the bhakti of God, who have seen and met God, who are dependant on God, they only deal with the peaceful Brahm i.e. Purna Brahm Parmatma (Complete/Supreme God) in all respects i.e. worship only one Complete/Supreme God.
Important: It is mentioned in Gita Chapter 5 Verse 27 and 28 that a devotee who takes updesh from a Complete Saint i.e. a Tatvdarshi saint and then does sumiran by breaths in a simple manner, only he after becoming free from evil habits and attaining the Supreme God, attains the eternal salvation.
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