Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 25

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 25

Gita 5.25

लभन्ते, ब्रह्मनिर्वाणम्, ऋषयः, क्षीणकल्मषाः,
छिन्नद्वैधाः, यतात्मानः, सर्वभूतहिते, रताः।।25।।

Gita 5.25

Labhante, brahmnirvaanm’, rshayH, ksheenkalmashaH,
ChhinndwaedhaH, yataatmanH, sarvbhoothite, rataaH ||25||

Translation: (KsheenkalmashaH) those whose all sins have been destroyed by doing scripture-based sadhna (chhinndwaedhaH) whose all doubts have been dispelled i.e. who have not strayed from the path (sarvbhoothite) who, in the welfare of all the living beings (rataaH) are engaged and (yataatmanH) are situated in the endeavour i.e. sadhna of God, those (rshayH) saintly men (brahmnirvaanm’) the peaceful Brahm i.e. the Supreme God (labhante) attain. (25)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 25

Gita 5.25: Those whose all sins have been destroyed by doing scripture-based sadhna, whose all doubts have been dispelled i.e. who have not strayed from the path, who are engaged in the welfare of all the living beings and who are situated in the endeavour i.e. sadhna of God, those saintly men attain the peaceful Brahm i.e. the Supreme God.

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