Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 19

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 19

Gita 5.19

इह, एव, तैः, जितः, सर्गः, येषाम्, साम्ये, स्थितम्, मनः,
निर्दोषम्, हि, समम्, ब्रह्म, तस्मात्, ब्रह्मणि, ते, स्थिताः।।19।।

Gita 5.19

Ih, ev, taiH, jitH, sargH, yeshaam’, saamye, sthitam’, manH,
Nirdosham’, hi, samm’, Brahm, tasmaat’, brahmani, te, sthitaH ||19||

Translation: (Ev) in reality (yeshaam’) those whose (manH) minds (saamye) in equanimity (sthitam’) are fixed (taiH) by them (ih) in this alive state (sargH) whole world (jitH) has been conquered i.e. they are ‘Manjeet’ / conquerers of mind (hi) undoubtedly those (nirdosham’) devotees, free from sin (Brahm) God (samm’) are equivalent to i.e. have become innocent souls (tasmaat’) therefore (te) they (brahmani) in the Purna Parmatma only (sthitaH) are situated. (19)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 19

Gita 5.19: In reality, those whose minds are fixed in equanimity have conquered the whole world in this alive state i.e. they have become manjeet/conquerers of mind. Undoubtedly those devotees, free from sin, are equivalent to God i.e. have become an innocent soul, and therefore they are situated in the Purna Parmatma only. Many merits of a sin-free soul and God are same, like eternal, free from love-hatred, free from birth-death, self-illuminated; although there is a lot of difference in power.

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