Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 12

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 12

Gita 5.12

युक्तः, कर्मफलम्, त्यक्त्वा, शान्तिम्, आप्नोति, नैष्ठिकीम्,
अयुक्तः, कामकारेण, फले, सक्तः, निबध्यते।।12।।

Gita 5.12

YuktH, karmfalam’, tyaktva, shaantim’, aapnoti, naishthikeem’,
AyuktH, kaamkaaren, fale, saktH, nibadhyate ||12||

Translation: (YuktH) A bhakt engaged in scripture-based true sadhna (karmfalam’) fruits of actions (tyaktva) abandoning (naishthikeem’) eternal i.e. Supreme (shaantim’) peace (aapnoti) attains and (ayuktH) an Asaadh i.e. one who performs sadhna devoid of the injunctions of scriptures (karmkaaren) for the fulfilment of desires (fale) in the fruits of actions (saktH) becoming attached (nibadhyate) becomes bound as a result of sinful acts. (12)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 12

Gita 5.12: Abandoning the fruits of actions, a bhakt who is engaged in scripture-based true sadhna attains the eternal i.e. supreme peace, and an Asaadh i.e. one who performs sadhna devoid of the injunctions of the scriptures, becoming attached to the fruits of actions for the fulfilment of desires, becomes bound as a result of sinful actions.

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