Gita 4.21
निराशीः, यतचित्तात्मा, त्यक्तसर्वपरिग्रहः,
शारीरम्, केवलम्, कर्म, कुर्वन्, न, आप्नोति, किल्बिषम्।।21।।
NiraashiH, yatchitaatma, tyaktsarvparigrhH,
Shareeram’, kevlam’, karm, kurvan’, na, aapnoti, kilbisham’ ||21||
Translation: (Yatchitaatma) a soul equipped with scripture-based bhakti (tyaktsarvparigrhH) who has abandoned all the cumulated sadhnas which are contrary to the scriptures, such a (niraashiH) bhakt who has given up baseless sadhna i.e. has abandoned sadhna contrary to the injunctions of scriptures (kevlam’) just/only (shareeram’) instead of doing hathyog, the sadhna easily performed by the body, and related to body (karm) worldly actions and scripture-based acts of bhakti (kurvan’) while performing (kilbisham’) sin; because in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 12 to 15 the people who, abandoning the ordinances of the scriptures, follow arbitrary way of worship, are said to be of demoniac nature, the lowest among men, evil-doers i.e. abandoning the injunctions of scriptures, following arbitrary behaviour, fools who do not worship me, they by only worshipping the three gunas i.e. Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, Tamgun Shiv Ji remain dependant on the short-lived relief obtained from them. The worship of these three gunas i.e. Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji, only is said to be contrary to the scriptures. Abandoning this scripture-opposed way of worship does scripture-based bhakti. (na) not (aapnoti) incur. (21)
Gita 4.21: A soul equipped with scripture-based bhakti who has abandoned all the cumulated sadhnas which are contrary to the scriptures, such a bhakt who has given up baseless sadhna i.e. has abandoned sadhna contrary to the injunctions of scriptures, he instead of just doing hathyog, while performing the sadhna which is easily performed by the body, the worldly actions and scripture-based acts of bhakti related to body does not incur sin. Because in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 12 to 15 the people who, abandoning the ordinances of the scriptures, follow arbitrary way of worship, are said to be of demoniac nature, the lowest among men and evil-doers i.e. abandoning the injunctions of scriptures, following arbitrary behaviour, fools who do not worship me, they by only worshipping the three gunas i.e. Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, Tamgun Shiv Ji remain dependant on the short-lived relief obtained from them. The worship of these three gunas i.e. Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji, only is said to be contrary to the scriptures. Abandoning this scripture-opposed way of worship does scripture-based bhakti. This evidence is also in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 47-48.
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