Gita 3.6
कर्मेन्द्रियाणि, संयम्य, यः, आस्ते, मनसा, स्मरन्,
इन्द्रियार्थान्, विमूढात्मा, मिथ्याचारः, सः, उच्यते।।6।।
Karmendriyani, sanyamya, yaH, aaste, mansa, smaran’,
Indriyarthan’, vimoodatma, mithyacharH, saH, uchyate ||6||
Translation: (YaH) that, who (vimoodatma) extremely foolish person (karmendriyani) forcefully, all senses of actions, outwardly (sanyamya) restraining (mansa) by mind/ internally (indriyarthan’) the sense objects of those senses of knowledge (smaran’) broods over (aaste) keeps (saH) he (mithyacharH) deceitful person i.e. hypocrite (uchyate) is said to be. (6)
Translation: That extremely foolish person, who by outwardly forcefully restraining all senses of actions, internally keeps brooding over the sense objects of those senses of knowledge, he is said to be a deceitful person i.e. a hypocrite. (Its detailed description is given in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 19)
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