Gita 3.42
इन्द्रियाणि, पराणि, आहुः, इन्द्रियेभ्यः, परम्, मनः,
मनसः, तु, परा, बुद्धिः, यः, बुद्धेः, परतः, तु, सः।।42।।
Indriyaani, paraani, aahuH, indriyebhyaH, param’, manH,
ManasH, tu, paraa, buddhiH, yaH, buddheH, paratH, tu, saH ||42||
Translation: (Indriyaani) senses compared to material body (paraani) superior, powerful and subtle (aahuH) are said to be (indriyebhyaH) compared to these senses (param’) more (manH) is mind (manasH) than mind (tu) however (paraa) superior (buddhiH) is intellect (tu) and (yaH) that which is (buddheH) than intellect also (paratH) more powerful (saH) that is soul accompanied by God. (42)
Senses are said to be superior, powerful and suble compared to material body; mind is superior to these senses; however, intellect is superior to mind and that which is even more powerful than intellect is the soul accompanied by God.
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