Gita 3.40
इन्द्रियाणि, मनः, बुद्धिः, अस्य, अधिष्ठानम्, उच्यते,
एतैः, विमोहयति, एषः, ज्ञानम्, आवृत्य, देहिनम्।।40।।
Indriyaani, manH, buddhiH, asya, adhishthanm’, uchyate,
EtaiH, vimohyati, eshH, gyanm’, aavrtya, dehinm’ ||40||
Translation: (Indriyaani) senses (manH) mind and (buddhiH) intelligence, all these (asya) this Kamdev i.e. sex’s (adhishthanm’) dwelling place (uchyate) are said to be (eshH) this desire of sexual pleasure (etaiH) through these mind, intelligence and senses only (gyanm’) knowledge (aavrtya) covering (dehinm’) soul (vimohyati) attracts. (40)
Senses, mind and intelligence – all these are said to be the dwelling place of this Kamdev i.e. sex. This desire of sexual pleasure attracts the soul by covering knowledge through these, mind, intelligence and senses only.
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