Gita 3.24
उत्सीदेयुः, इमे, लोकाः, न, कुर्याम्, कर्म, चेत्, अहम्,
संकरस्य, च, कर्ता, स्याम्, उपहन्याम्, इमाः, प्रजाः।।24।।
UtseedeyuH, ime, lokaH, na, kuryaam’, karm, chet’, aham’,
Sankarasya, ch, karta, syaam’, uphanyaam’, imaH, prjaH ||24||
Translation: (Chet’) If (aham’) I (karm) action (na) not (kuryaam’) perform then (ime) these (lokaH) all human beings (utseedeyuH) will become utterly destroyed (ch) and I (sankarsya) mixed caste (karta) doer/cause (syaam’) be and (imaH) this (prjaH) all people (uphanyaam’) will be the destroyer. (24)
If I do not perform action then all these human beings will become utterly destroyed, and I will be the cause of mixed castes (produced from union of a man and a woman of different castes) and will be the destroyer of all these people.
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