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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 18

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 18

Gita 3.18

न, एव, तस्य, कृृतेन, अर्थः, न, अकृृतेन, इह, कश्चन,
न, च, अस्य, सर्वभूतेषु, कश्चित्, अर्थव्यपाश्रयः।।18।।

Gita 3.18

Na, ev, tasya, krten, arthH, na, akrten, ih, kashchan,
Na, ch, asya, sarvbhooteshu, kashchit’, arthvypashryaH ||18||

Translation: (Tasya) that greatman’s (ih) in this world (na) neither (krten) in the performance of action (kashchan) any (arthH) there is interest and (na) nor (akrten) in non-performance of actions (ev) only, is there any interest (ch) and (sarvbhooteshu) in all living beings also (asya) his (kashchit’) even a little (arthvypashryaH) relation of self-interest (na) there is no. (18)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 18

In this world, neither that great man has any interest in the performance of action, nor only has any interest in the non-performance of actions, and also he does not even have a little interest in all the living beings. Because he, being free from self-interest, does not make anyone do worship which is not in accordance with the scriptures, nor himself does it. Neither does he do sadhna with the aim of making money, nor makes others do it.

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