Gita 2.27
जातस्य, हि, ध्रुवः, मृत्युः, ध्रुवम्, जन्म, मृतस्य, च,
तस्मात्, अपरिहार्ये, अर्थे, न, त्वम्, शोचितुम्, अर्हसि।।27।।
Jaatasya, hi, dhruvH, mrityuH, dhruvam’, janm, mrtasya, ch,
Tasmaat’, aparihaarye, arthe, na, tvam’, shochitum’, arhasi ||27||
Translation: (Hi) Because (jaatasya) one who is born (mrtyuH) death (dhruH) is certain (ch) and (mrtasya) one who is dead (janm) birth (dhruvam’) is certain (tasmaat’) from this also, this (aparihaarye) inevitable (arthe) in matter (tvam’) you (shochitum’) to grieve (na, arhasi) not worthy of. (27)
Translation: Because one who is born is certain to die and the dead is certain to be reborn. From this also, you are not worthy of grieving in this inevitable matter.
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