Gita 2.11
अशोच्यान्, अन्वशोचः, त्वम्, प्रज्ञावादान्, च, भाषसे,
गतासून्, अगतासून्, च, न, अनुशोचन्ति, पण्डिताः।।11।।
(Bhagwan uvaach)
Ashochyaan’, anvshochH, tvam’, prgyaavaadaan’, ch, bhaashse,
Gataasoon’, agtaasoon’, ch, na, anushochanti, panditaH ||11||
(God said)
Translation: (Tvam’) you (ashochyaan’) for men, who are not worthy of being grieved for (anvshochH) grieve (ch) and (prgyaavaadaan’) statements of pandits (bhaashse) say, but (gataasoon’) those who have died, for them (ch) and (agtaasoon’) those who are living, for them too (panditaH) Pandits (na, anushochanti) do not grieve. (11)
Translation: You are grieving for men who do not deserve to be grieved for, and are saying statements like Pandits, but Pandits do not grieve for those who have died and also for those who are living.
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