Gita 18.60
स्वभावजेन, कौन्तेय, निबद्धः, स्वेन्, कर्मणा,
कर्तुम्, न, इच्छसि, यत्, मोहात्, करिष्यसि, अवशः, अपि, तत्।।60।।
Gita 18.60
Swabhaavjen, kauntey, nibaddhH, swen’, karmna,
Kartum’, na, ichchhasi, yat’, mohaat’, karishyasi, avashH, api, tat’ ||60||
Translation: (Kauntey) Oh son of Kunti! (yat’) the action which (mohaat’) out of delusion (kartum’) to perform (na) not (ichchhasi) want to (tat’) that (api) also (swen’) your previously performed (swabhaavjen) natural Kshatriya (karmna) actions (nibaddhH) bound by (avashH) being overpowered (karishyasi) will do. (60)
Translation: Oh son of Kunti! The action which you do not want to perform out of delusion, you will also do that being overpowered by your previously performed natural Kshatriya deeds to which you are bound.
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