Gita 18.54
ब्रह्मभूतः, प्रसन्नात्मा, न, शोचति, न, काङ्क्षति,
समः, सर्वेषु, भूतेषु, मद्भक्तिम्, लभते, पराम्।।54।।
BrahmbhootH, prsannaatma, na, shochti, na, kaankshti,
SamH, sarveshu, bhooteshu, mad’bhaktim’, labhte, paraam’ ||54||
Translation: (BrahmbhootH) one who has become worthy of attaining God (prsannaatma) a yogi with cheerful mind (na) neither (shochti) grieves (na) nor (kaankshti) desires (sarveshu) all (bhooteshu) towards living beings (samH) equanimity of mind (paraam’, mad’bhaktim’) my kind of supreme scripture-based bhakti (labhte) attains. (54)
Translation: One who has become worthy of attaining God, a yogi with cheerful mind, neither grieves nor desires. With equanimity of mind towards all the living beings, he attains my kind of supreme scripture-based bhakti.
Gita 18.54 Meaning: The meaning of this Bhagavad Gita Verse 54 is that by the first Brahm Gayatri Mantra given to a worshipper, all the chakras open up i.e. Kundalini Shakti is awakened. That worshipper becomes worthy of attaining God. That worthy person is given Om’ mantra of supreme bhakti of Brahm-Kaal. Om’+Tat’ together form Satyanaam of two words. The path of complete salvation begins from this. Therefore it is mentioned in this Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 54.
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