सिद्धिम्, प्राप्तः, यथा, ब्रह्म, तथा, आप्नोति, निबोध, मे,
समासेन, एव, कौन्तेय, निष्ठा, ज्ञानस्य, या, परा।।50।।
Siddhim’, praaptH, yatha, Brahm, tatha, aapnoti, nibodh, me,
Samaasen, ev, kauntey, nishtha, gyaanasya, ya, paraa ||50||
Translation: (Ya) which (gyaanasya) of knowledge (paraa) supreme (nishtha) accomplishment (siddhim’) that naishkarmyasiddhi (yatha) which (praaptH) attaining (Brahm) God (aapnoti) attains (tatha) that type (kauntey) oh son of Kunti! (samaasen) in brief (ev) only (me) from me (nibodh) understand. (50)
Translation: That which is the supreme accomplishment of knowledge, that naishkarmyasiddhi attaining which one attains God, Oh son of Kunti! Understand that from me in brief only.
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