Gita 18.49
असक्तबुद्धिः, सर्वत्र, जितात्मा, विगतस्पृहः,
नैष्कम्र्यसिद्धिम्, परमाम्, सन्न्यासेन, अधिगच्छति।।49।।
AsaktbuddhiH, sarvatr, jitaatma, vigatsprhH,
Naishkarmyasiddhim’, parmaam’, sannyaasen, adhigachchhati ||49||
Translation: (Sarvatr) everywhere (asaktbuddhiH) with an intellect free from attachment (vigatsprhH) free from desires (jitaatma) a devout soul victorious over wrong deeds (sannyaasen) who has renounced all knowledge except Tatvgyan (parmaam’) that supreme i.e. superior most (naishkarmyasiddhim’) the complete salvation which is attained on complete destruction of the sins, that siddhi i.e. supreme state (adhigachchhati) attains. (49)
Translation: A devout soul with an intellect free from everywhere, free from desires, and who is victorious over wrong deeds, who has renounced all knowledge except Tatvgyan, attains that superior most spiritual success i.e. supreme state which is the complete salvation attained on complete destruction of all the sins. OR A devout soul with an intellect free from everywhere, free from desires, and who is victorious over wrong deeds attains that superior most spiritual success i.e. supreme state which is the complete salvation attained on complete destruction of all the sins through the one who has renounced all knowledge except Tatvgyan.
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