Gita 18.45
स्वे, स्वे, कर्मणि, अभिरतः, संसिद्धिम्, लभते, नरः,
स्वकर्मनिरतः, सिद्धिम्, यथा, विन्दति, तत्, श्रृृणु।।45।।
Swe, swe, karmni, abhiratH, sansiddhim’, labhte, narH,
SwakarmniratH, siddhim’, yatha, vindati, tat’, shrnu ||45||
Translation: (Swe, swe) own respective natural (karmni) in practical actions and acts of true bhakti (abhiratH) intently engaged (narH) a man (sansiddhim’) supreme siddhi / spiritual success (labhte) attains (swakarmniratH) a man engaged in his natural actions (yatha) the way by which (siddhim’) supreme siddhi (vindati) attains (tat’) that method (shrnu) hear. (45)
Translation: A man intently engaged in his own natural practical actions and acts of true bhakti attains supreme spiritual success. The way by which a man engaged in his natural action attains supreme spiritual success, hear that method from me.
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