Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 45

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 45

Gita 18.45

स्वे, स्वे, कर्मणि, अभिरतः, संसिद्धिम्, लभते, नरः,
स्वकर्मनिरतः, सिद्धिम्, यथा, विन्दति, तत्, श्रृृणु।।45।।

Gita 18.45

Swe, swe, karmni, abhiratH, sansiddhim’, labhte, narH,
SwakarmniratH, siddhim’, yatha, vindati, tat’, shrnu ||45||

Translation: (Swe, swe) own respective natural (karmni) in practical actions and acts of true bhakti (abhiratH) intently engaged (narH) a man (sansiddhim’) supreme siddhi / spiritual success (labhte) attains (swakarmniratH) a man engaged in his natural actions (yatha) the way by which (siddhim’) supreme siddhi (vindati) attains (tat’) that method (shrnu) hear. (45)

Translation: A man intently engaged in his own natural practical actions and acts of true bhakti attains supreme spiritual success. The way by which a man engaged in his natural action attains supreme spiritual success, hear that method from me.

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