Gita 18.29
बुद्धेः, भेदम्, धृतेः, च, एव, गुणतः, त्रिविधम्, श्रृणु,
प्रोच्यमानम्, अशेषेण, पृथक्त्वेन, धनञ्जय।। 29।।
BuddheH, bhedam’, dhrteH, ch, ev, gunatH, trividham’, shrnu,
Prochyamaanam’, asheshen, prthaktven, dhananjay ||29||
Translation: (Dhananjay) Oh Dhananjay! Now you (buddheH) of intellect (ch) and (dhrteH) of steadfastness (ev) also (gunatH) according to the gunas (trividham’) three types of (bhedam’) distinction by me (asheshen) completely (prthaktven) separately (prochyamaanam’) described (shrnu) hear. (29)
Translation: Oh Dhananjay! Now you hear the three types of distinction of intellect and also steadfastness according to the gunas described completely and separately by me.
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